In the serene and picturesque village of Saliabakpur, Barisal, a joint family residing amidst the complete rural setup sought to transform their living space. The family, consisting of three brothers and their parents, previously inhabited a 1-storied tin shed house among a cluster of similar homes surrounding a common courtyard known as ‘uthaan’. With the client being a prominent politician hosting VIP guests regularly, the need for a permanent, structured residence became essential.
The design concept aimed to merge the essence of rural living with modern amenities, emphasizing visual connectivity and privacy within the household. The residence includes a intimate scale building that accommodates the family’s requirements while fostering a sense of togetherness. The inclusion of a detached kitchen, allowing for traditional mud stove cooking, and an exterior-connected toilet cater to the family’s existing practices.
The homestead features three separate entries – a primary formal entrance, one secondary entrance from the common courtyard and another secondary service entry. The design also incorporates multiple terraces, offering private spaces for the family to unwind and enjoy the rural surroundings. The architectural layout reflects an ‘urban-flavored’ home tailored to the family’s needs while preserving the rural charm of the community.
The design of the Meera Bari homestead in Saliabakpur, Barisal, mirrors other IQDS projects by embracing an abundance of soft, indirect light to create a welcoming ambiance. The architectural layout strategically utilizes shading elements to minimize heat gain from direct sunlight while ensuring natural ventilation flows throughout the building. Multi-level terraces adorned with green plantations not only enhance the aesthetic appeal but also offer a green oasis at every level.
Local materials are exclusively incorporated into the design, connecting the homestead to its surroundings and community. The terraces, cleverly designed with walled corners, serve dual purposes – providing elevated courtyards for family gatherings and outdoor private spaces for relaxation. This thoughtful integration of architecture with nature and local traditions elevates the Meera Bari project to a harmonious blend of modern comfort and rural charm.
The design of this homestead in Saliabakpur not only serves as a residence but also as a functional space that embodies the family’s lifestyle and values. By blending traditional elements with contemporary design features, the architectural endeavor seeks to create a harmonious living environment that caters to the unique requirements of a joint family in a rural setting.
Project name | Meera Bari | ||
Program | Private Residential | ||
Typology | Residential | ||
Location | Saliabakpur, Barisal, Bangladesh | ||
Year | 2024-On-Going | ||
Status | Commission, On-going | ||
Site Area | 430 sqm | ||
Built Area | 570 sqm | ||
Building Scale | GF+1F | ||
Client | Sayed Nazrul Islam | ||
Consultant | Structural Consultant: Gravity Electrical Consultant: Murshed Monowar Plumbing Consultant: Krishnandu Barma |
Design team | Selim Altaf Biplob, Tamanna Sayeed, Khudista Mahjabeen, Khalid Bin Kabir, Towsifur Rahman |